I have a Nigerian dwarf doeling that was born 3/27/2024 that I would like to trade for another doeling or doe.
She won't be ready to leave mom till about 5/27 and I'm in no rush.
I'm keeping her father for another year and would just like an unrelated doe, nothing at all wrong with her.
She was an only kid so she's nice and big, healthy, still on momma, growing like a weed and playing with all the other kids.
She's a cute buckskin pattern girl with wattles, horns, and blue eyes.
Being exposed to chickens, dogs, children and pigs.
Open to trading for just about any doeling, really wanting another myotonic or a meat breed like a Spanish, Kiko, or Boer.
Also would be very happy with another Nigerian dwarf, silky, or Nubian.
Message me with what you got.
Also interested in trading some Nigerian dwarf bucklings, a silky goat Buckling, and a mixed sow